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1: The Purpose and Chronology of God

May 13, 2009

Major Text:
Luke 1:1-4
John 1:1-18
Matt. 1:1-17
Luke 3:23-38

Harmony Texts: Matt. 1:1-17 Luke 3:23-38


  1. Luke and His Purpose                Luke 1:1-4
  2. God and His Purpose                 John 1:1-5
  3. John and His Purpose                John 1:6-8
  4. Jesus and His Purpose               John 1:10-14
  5. God’s Chronology                        John 1:15-18
  6. Man’s Chronology                       Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38


Luke’s purpose is to record what is truth. God’s purpose is for man to receive eternal life. John’s purpose is to herald the coming of Christ Jesus. Jesus’ purpose is to give us a new beginning in the Spirit [born again].

God’s chronology shows us that Jesus is born of God. Man’s chronology shows us that Jesus was born of man.

This scripture states some grand and glorious truths which set the stage for what is to come.


In applying these texts, we are to:
1. Realize and recognize that Jesus is God.
2. Acknowledge Jesus is God.
3. Proclaim Jesus is God.
4. Receive Jesus as God.
5. Believe Jesus is God.
6. Believe Jesus is man.

We learn Jesus is the Christ, God Incarnate, who came that we might believe in Him, become His children, and receive eternal life.

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